Saturday, January 14, 2012

Old Man Warren

They say old man warren is the man to talk to, if you can find him. They say he can do things nobody can, if you can find him. I heard he wears a black suit, and hat darker still. If I could find him oh the things I would change, but I hear he only appears if you know just what to give in exchange. 
He walks endlessly, and never stops, so they say. I thought of the only thing I could give, I thought of myself in exchange, soon the night came, bang bang I never jumped so high; my window was hit by something of which I could not tell. outside nothing, but an old gray envelope a time, and place is all that was written in hand writing; the finest I've seen. All I have is 2 hours, I think I Will write so I'm not forgotten, I hope I get Just what I want, Thanks for reading I will see you real soon.

Iced Coffee

I worked for a small insurance agency in town my wife never liked all the hustle and bustle so we lived on the outskirts, a small price to pay for peace and quiet. on my way to work I would stop by my favorite fast food chain to drink coffee with a few of my mates. Wess waved me toward the table they were siting at. we liked to sit in the corner window to talk, and watch all the passers that would go by.  We all worked long days, and this morning ritual was our time to meet up and relax. The lady at the counter came by the second I sat down, I never seen her here before. She explained they have a new iced coffee, and as a promo it's free. well I did come here for coffee so of course I obliged. I'm always the last to show up living so for outside of town. our little group consisted of four people including myself, Wess, nick and Jeff. Wow this is the best damn cop of coffee I ever had, the lady winked and walked a way, Jeff beamed at me lifted up his cup, and said second one, I asked him if he was trying to get a promotion at work, he said nothing he was miles away still looking at the lady, now that I got a good look at her she was quit the looker, her eyes matcher her dark hair, and her complexion was the smoothest I've ever seen she wear the classic uniform, but with no name tag. I never thought I'd see the day were a lady that looked like she belonged on a cover of a magazine would be working in a place like this.
 Jeff was  the first to show up, and something tells me he's gonna be the last to leave. I finished up said my good byes, and headed to work. I had. a late night, so I decided to go straight home after work. our late evening conversations began as they always do, with a simple "how was your day" and end in a small argument.   The next day I went to go have my morning coffee as I always do, Nick and Wess greeted me, Jeff was gone, oh looks like someone finally got a day off. Nick shrugged yeah, but I'm surprised he still didn't show did you see him yesterday, if he eyed  coffee girl any harder he would of been charged with rape. Wess let out a small chuckle. I couldn't believe the radiant beauty of this women. another day another dollar, yeah no kiddin said Wess. She said nothing other then hand me my coffee as if we've been doing this routine for years. my coffee taste very bland like it has no taste, taste fine to me said Nick. The next day it was just myself and Wesss, we both didn't talk much I hadn't the energy to even say thanks to the nameless coffee chick. Work was a blur I could hardly stand, I decided to call it an early day, so I headed home. My wife hardly greeted me she just told me to get up the second I walked through the door, damn I can't look that tired. I'm going to sleep early tonight hun, she just looked at me, and again told me to get yelling screaming even to get up. My arms felt heavy, and were in pain.
I've never felt so lite headed, zzng! a large pain shot up through my chest; my vision started to change, again pain fired up through my chest, I pass out of the living room floor, and awoke. CLEAR! once more my chest was filled with agony. I looked around everything is so dark my wife's face fades into view, she was an EMT, she she looks at me crying finally your awake, and embraces me. The ground was cold, hard and very damp; the smell of putrid death filled the air. I slumped my head in the direction of the smell Jeff nick and Wess were all hang upside down from the ceiling pail, and with no sign of life. I faded out, and found myself in a hospital room
    (work in progress)

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